Terms and Conditions

Online Sales Terms and Conditions

All voucher sales through this website are with Porthminster Beach, St Ives, Cornwall Tel: 01736 799097

The details and prices of the vouchers that you purchase will be shown on the website at the time of purchase.
Please check your order carefully. Completing checkout is a commitment to pay for your order. Please contact us immediately if you have made a mistake

Vouchers are valid for one year from the purchase date.

We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.
We use DOJO to collect and process transaction information.

Porthminster Cafe respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data.

Once your order is complete, a unique bar-code and number will be automatically sent to your email address. Possession of this booking reference will be regarded as proof of purchase and will entitle you to the items purchased.

Full value of the voucher must be used in one visit to our restaurant only.

No reimbursement will be given in exchange for any unused value of the voucher.

No cash alternative can be given.

Vouchers are non-refundable after purchase.

Vouchers are valid for one year from the purchase date.

Porthminster Café, St Ives, Cornwall, TR26 2EB TEL: 01736 799097 or email info@porthminstercafe.co.uk.


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